Health & Safety Policies & Procedures
We can help you to develop your safety management system including, but not limited to, the following items:
Health & Safety Policy
Content including management structure, roles and responsibilities, control and monitoring arrangements, and statement of intent.
Risk Assessments
Identifying hazards such as work at height, traffic management, working near water, control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), manual handling, display screen equipment (visual display units), noise, vibration, occupational diseases, work equipment, asbestos, and, indicate who could be harmed and how; assess the risk; set out suitable control measures; and set date for review.
Safe Systems of Work and Method Statements
Written processes to describe how employees should go about their work safely and follow the correct sequences of work; wearing correct PPE; using suitable tools, equipment and materials; training, and following emergency arrangements.
Permit to Work
Documented control systems for particularly hazardous activities such as confined space entry, mechanical and electrical isolation, hot works, excavations, temporary works, or work at height that require an enhanced level of robustness, typically needing to be authorised at the start and closed out at the end of each working shift.
Employee Safety Handbooks
The production of handbooks typically used as a reference by employees who have to work to the agreed standards defined by the safety policy. These are produced as an extension of the health and safety procedures and complete the package of documentation required.
Safety Management System Audits
This is a detailed audit that looks at quality and relevance of the company health and safety policy, written health and safety procedures and other safety instructions which may have been established. Identifying the understanding that managers and non-supervisory staff have of their own responsibilities and compliance with the safety management system. Understanding how senior management monitor the company performance in safety and health. Following each audit, a comprehensive report containing specific details for remedial action will be submitted to the Client.
Workplace Inspections
Visiting the Client’s premises as a one-off exercise or at agreed intervals in order to carry out workplace inspections in conjunction with the relevant management. The inspection will seek to identify areas of good practice, as well as legal non-compliance and areas for improvement. A detailed report will be issued with actions identified for management. During such visits, time is devoted to discussing future operations and assisting with the planning of these so that hazards can be anticipated and, where possible, avoided.
Office Health Checks
This involves a detailed audit or inspection for offices and similar workplaces that looks at fire risk assessments, display screen equipment (DSE) assessments, ergonomics, lighting and ventilation, access for disabled persons, emergency procedures and first aid provision in order that employees can undertake their work in a safe and healthy working environment.
Health and Safety for Small Businesses
This is a bespoke package specifically to suit the needs of small businesses that can relieve them of some of the time and effort required to develop health and safety procedures and relevant documentation, but without reducing their involvement or accountability, thereby allowing them more time to run their business effectively. It includes Health and Safety Policy (writing new or review of existing), Health and Safety Procedures (risk assessments and safe systems of work), health and safety training, regular site inspections, general guidance, and annual support.
Health and Safety for Construction Professionals
Assisting construction professionals when visiting or undertaking work at third party sites which are under the control of others, such as Principal Contractors, Contractors or Clients. This package for construction professionals provides the advice and support to assist in the execution of their responsibilities in respect of their personal health, safety and wellbeing.